It's is time for yet another
M&M - a combined
Movie & Meatball competition evening!
If you don't want to enter the meatball competition you are still welcome to come along as we will share the meatballs after they have been judged - before the movie.
"The swimsuit Issue" (
Swe: "
Allt Flyter"). A comedy in Swedish but with English subtitles! For more info on the movie visit:
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1209367/When: Thursday 9
th September
Time: 6.30 pm
Where: Time Cinema, 191 Sutherland
Lyall Bay
Cost: $15
RSVP: Tinni on 04-499 9895 or email
tinni@sweden.org.nz (RSVP is required as the seating in limited, first in first served!)
We will provide: Non- alcoholic drinks, crackers and cheese, potato salad to compliment the meatballs,and bread and salad too!
BYO Wine or Beer.
For those who wish to enter the competition - you will need to make (and bring) Swedish Meatballs made from 1 kg mince! (not cooked in sauce/gravy). Bring them warm - if you can, we have limited heating facilities!
Please note, RSVP is required as the seating in limited, first in first served! Register today !