The Sweden-New Zealand Association 1964 - 2014

Sunday, December 19, 2010
God Jul - Merry Christmas!
With the attached clip from the evening, the committe would like to wish you all a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
God Jul och Gott Nytt År!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Kaleidoscope of European Carols - this Sunday!!

The event will be held at the Sound Shell in the Botanic Gardens, Glenmore Street this Sunday, 12 December at 7pm.
We hope you and your families will be able to join us in this celebration of our rich European Christmas traditions! Hopefully the weather will cooperate, but if we do have to cancel, it will be announced on Radio 2ZB in their Cancellations in the morning on the day of the event.
If you haven't been to one of this before, it is actually well worth coming to!
Bring family and friends, a blanket to sit on, some glögg in a thermos... Christmas Spirit, hey presto!
Kids Christmas Party this weekend - change of plans
Due to the small number of participants coming to this Sundays Christmas Party for the kids there has been a change of plans:
1. We will no longer be at the club rooms in Whitby. We have moved the venue to Kandallah Community Centre.
2. We are no longer doing a Lucia possession (not enough kids participating).
* There will still be Coffee, Cake and Pepparkakor (Julmust for the kids).
* There will still be dancing around the Christmas Tree.
* There will still be presents for the kids.
* There will still be fun!!
Where: Cornerstone Resource Centre, 2 Ganges Road
When: Sunday 12 December
Time: 10.30-12.00
Cost: Gold coin donation + a plate of baked goods to share.
If you are planning to come along, but still haven't sent your RSVP. Please RSVP to ASAP, as Santa's helpers are very busy today!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Kaleidoscope of European Carols by Candle light

We will have our favourite versions of "Silent Night", carols from European countries, dancing and much, much more.
Come and be part of this celebration of European carols! It's sure to be a fun night, with the proceeds going to the New Zealand Red Cross.
Photos from the Christmas Dinner, by Karim Sahai Images

Karim Sahai has sent us a link to the photos he took at the party, enjoy!
Sweden-NZ Association Christmas Dinner 2010 - Images Karim Sahai Images
Thanks Karim!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Kids Christmas party, please RSVP by this Wednesday.

For more information please see previous post.
See you there!
When: Sunday 12 December
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Kiddies Lucia Party, 12 December

On the following weekend, Sunday the 12 December, Svenskkul is organising a Children's Christmas Lucia Party - all members of Sweden-New Zealand Association are welcome to join us.
We will start at 10.30, with a Kids Lucia possession, all kids are welcome to join in, (we might need some grown ups to help sing along...) If you want your child to join in but don't have a lucia gown please let us know asap as we might be able to help out. Kids who want to join the Lucia possession, please be there at 10.30 sharp!
After the Lucia performance we will have a snack and then dance around the Xmas tree.
At the very end, Santa will come so it's important that you register. Please send an email to with the name, gender and age of your child.
Cost: Gold coin donation + a plate of baked goods to share.
Pay at the door, but please do send an email to and let us know you are coming so we can cater for coffee, glögg, juice etc.
Grandparents, aunties, neighbours etc, everyone welcome!
Where: Whitby (Western Suburbs) Soccer Club. Endeavour Park Albatross Close
When: Sunday 12 December
Time: 10.30-12.00
Cost: Gold coin donation + a plate of baked goods to share.
SVEN – Tidningen för SVENskar i utlandet

Christmas Dinner 2010
Todays name
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