We have been supplied a new link to view the Royal wedding online, for us viewers outside the Nordic region.

The countdown is about to start. When Sweden wakes up today it is the big day for our Royal couple.
SVT has made an exception and is broadcasting
SVT online to the whole world, which means it is possible for us to view the wedding on
SVT online at:
http://svtplay.se/v/2046599/det_kungliga_brollopet/det_kungliga_brollopet_-_for_viewers_outside_the_nordic_region?sb,p104698,1,f,-1previous supplied link (which may also work outside the Nordic region and also shows all the pre wedding programs):
Thank you for the link, because I tried the other one about an hour ago but wasn't able to access. Hopefully this one will work. I am in Australia and don't think it's on tv.