During 2005 slightly more than 65 000 persons came to Sweden. The largest group was made up of some 14 000 Swedes returning home. The personal portraits depicted by the journalist and author, Ludvig Rasmusson, and the photographer, Ulla Montan in a new book. Foreword by Margot Wallström, Vice President of the European Commission.
The book "Learning from Europe - Portraits of returning Swedes" (or Hemvändarna in Swedish), shows us how Sweden deals with the experiences gained in other countries. The book is an eye-opener and poses the challenge of how to make better use of the professional competence gained by Swedes who have been working in other countries.
You can download the book here:
In Swedish: http://www.paraplyprojektet.se/page.php?id=1250&categoryID=5
In English: http://www.paraplyprojektet.se/news.php?id=1526&categoryID=12
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