The Sweden-New Zealand Association 1964 - 2014

The Sweden-New Zealand Association 1964 - 2014

Sunday, December 19, 2010

God Jul - Merry Christmas!

A big thank you to all of you who joined us in the botanical gardens last Sunday for Christmas Carols by Candle light (both those of you who joined us on stage and to those of you that came to cheers us on). It was a beautiful evening, I hope you all enjoyed it!

With the attached clip from the evening, the committe would like to wish you all a

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

God Jul och Gott Nytt År!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Kaleidoscope of European Carols - this Sunday!!

A reminder about this year's Kaleidoscope of European Carols, to which you are all warmly invited. This is the 17th such event organised by the European Forum, umbrella organisation for European communities in Wellington.

The event will be held at the Sound Shell in the Botanic Gardens, Glenmore Street this Sunday, 12 December at 7pm.

We hope you and your families will be able to join us in this celebration of our rich European Christmas traditions! Hopefully the weather will cooperate, but if we do have to cancel, it will be announced on Radio 2ZB in their Cancellations in the morning on the day of the event.

If you haven't been to one of this before, it is actually well worth coming to!
Bring family and friends, a blanket to sit on, some glögg in a thermos... Christmas Spirit, hey presto!

Kids Christmas Party this weekend - change of plans

Due to the small number of participants coming to this Sundays Christmas Party for the kids there has been a change of plans:

1. We will no longer be at the club rooms in Whitby. We have moved the venue to Kandallah Community Centre.
We are no longer doing a Lucia possession (not enough kids participating).

* There will still be Coffee, Cake and Pepparkakor (Julmust for the kids).
* There will still be dancing around the Christmas Tree.
* There will still be presents for the kids.
* There will still be fun!!

Where: Cornerstone Resource Centre, 2 Ganges Road
When: Sunday 12 December
Time: 10.30-12.00
Cost: Gold coin donation + a plate of baked goods to share.

If you are planning to come along, but still haven't sent your RSVP. Please RSVP to ASAP, as Santa's helpers are very busy today!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Kaleidoscope of European Carols by Candle light

Please come and join us this Sunday the 12th December at the Kaleidoscope of European Carols by Candle light in the Botanical Gardens. Bring a blanket to sit on and a picnic basket (if it's cold glögg is nice...)
The Sweden New Zealand Association will go up on stage and sing a few traditional Swedish Christmas songs. If you are to shy to join us on stage, please come a cheer for us!

Kaleidoscope of European Carols by Candle light organised by the European Forum, held at the Soundshell in the Botanic Gardens, 101 Glenmore Street Wellington.
We will have our favourite versions of "Silent Night", carols from European countries, dancing and much, much more.
Come and be part of this celebration of European carols! It's sure to be a fun night, with the proceeds going to the New Zealand Red Cross.

When: Sunday the 12th December
Time: 7pm-9pm
Where: Botanic Gardens, at the Soundshell, Glenmore Street
Cost: Entry is free. Gold coin donation for candles and song sheets. (You are more than welcome to bring something sweet to the cake stall - Proceeds going to the New Zealand Red Cross.)

Photos from the Christmas Dinner, by Karim Sahai Images

I hope those of you who attended the Christmas party all enjoyed it. I certainly did, the food was fantastic, thanks to all of you!

Karim Sahai has sent us a link to the photos he took at the party, enjoy!

Sweden-NZ Association Christmas Dinner 2010 - Images Karim Sahai Images

Thanks Karim!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Kids Christmas party, please RSVP by this Wednesday.

Just a quick update to those of you who are planning to join us for the kids Lucia Christmas party this coming Sunday. Please RSVP to with the Name, gender and age of the children attending. We need your RSVP by Wednesday the 8th December, by the latest, to allow time for the Santa helpers to do their job!
For more information please see previous post.
See you there!

Where: Whitby (Western Suburbs) Soccer Club. Endeavour Park Albatross Close
When: Sunday 12 December
Time: 10.30-12.00
Cost: Gold coin donation + a plate of baked goods to share.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Kiddies Lucia Party, 12 December

It's almost Christmas and as you know we have the "grown up" Christmas party this weekend.
On the following weekend, Sunday the 12 December, Svenskkul is organising a Children's Christmas Lucia Party - all members of Sweden-New Zealand Association are welcome to join us.

We will start at 10.30, with a Kids Lucia possession, all kids are welcome to join in, (we might need some grown ups to help sing along...) If you want your child to join in but don't have a lucia gown please let us know asap as we might be able to help out. Kids who want to join the Lucia possession, please be there at 10.30 sharp!
After the Lucia performance we will have a snack and then dance around the Xmas tree.

At the very end, Santa will come so it's important that you register. Please send an email to with the name, gender and age of your child.

Cost: Gold coin donation + a plate of baked goods to share.
Pay at the door, but please do send an email to and let us know you are coming so we can cater for coffee, glögg, juice etc.

Grandparents, aunties, neighbours etc, everyone welcome!

Where: Whitby (Western Suburbs) Soccer Club. Endeavour Park Albatross Close
When: Sunday 12 December
Time: 10.30-12.00
Cost: Gold coin donation + a plate of baked goods to share.

SVEN – Tidningen för SVENskar i utlandet

SVEN is an online newspaper for Swedes living abroad. Produced by Swedes abroad for other Swedes abroad and/or Swedes that are curious of what it is like to live in another country. All in Swedish.
It's free to read online at

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Christmas party 4th December - still some spaces left

We have sold half of the tickets available for our annual Christmas party. Be in quick to grab a seat (unfortunately we can not extend the number of participants due to venue restrictions).

Traditional Swedish Christmas Dinner with all that it entails! Schnaps, Allsång, långdans!!
You need to bring a plate for the Smorgasbord!. But make sure you call or email Marita (, 04-234 8830 ). She will guide you as to what to bring, this way we won't get too many meatballs or Jansson and it will all balance. (Sorry traditional kiwi food like sausage rolls doesn't go at the Traditional Swedish Christmas Table)
It is vitally important that you pre-register as this totally Popular annual event has NO DOOR SALES!!

Registration form in our latest newsletter

Member and Non-members welcome! See you there.

Julmust at SweNZ Taste

SweNZ Taste got their Christmas stock in last week. Please visit for Julmust, Aladdin chocolates and other "must have" for your Christmas table.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Farewell to Katarina

Just a quick note to say Thank You and Good Bye to Katarina Ejerblad.
Katarina has been a valuable member of the Sweden-New Zealand Association Committee during this year. She is now on her way back to Sweden. Have a safe trip back home Katarina and Thank You for all your work in the Committee during the last year.

This means we have a vacancy in the committee and if you can spare the first Monday of the month to meet with the committee, we would love for you to join us! We are a very chatty and friendly bunch, not at all scary. Please contact Tinni or Joanna if you are interested!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Julpyssel - Xmas decorations with kids, Sunday 21 Nov

This Sunday, 21 November, Svenskkul want to invite you to come and make Xmas decoration with the kids at Kandallah Community Centre. Time: 10-12.
We will make smällkarameller and other decorations to hang in our Xmas tree at the kids Christmas party (on the 12 December).

We will also practise some Lucia songs, to prepare the kids for the kiddies lucia performance (also on the kids Christmas party).

Everyone welcome to join in this fun event (no need to be a member of Svenskkul).

If you are keen to buy some Swedish Childrens books, please bring some money as we intend to sell out some of our books.

When: Sunday 21 November
Time: 10-12
Where: Kandallah Community Centre, 2 Ganges Rd, Kandallah.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Last Newsletter for the year!

This years last issue of our newsletter is out! If you are a member you should have received it in your mailbox or by email by now. (If you haven't received it, there is a possibility that you haven't paid this years membership subscription... please contact

This issue contains lots of great reading and most important - The Form for the Christmas Party!!! Don't miss out!!! No door sales, first in first served!

If you are not a member - you may still join us for the Christmas Party, just click on the newsletter picture and to download the pdf for more information.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Kaleidoscope of European Carols

Good news! The European Forum's Carols by Candle light - kaleidoscope of European Carols is back again this year!

Please come along to the botanical garden for a fantastic evening and do join us on stage to sign a few Swedish Christmas songs!

There will be another notice closer to the time, but please mark your calendars now!

When: Sunday the 12th December
Time: 7pm
Where: Wellington Botanical Garden

Monday, October 25, 2010

Pub evening - this Thurday the 28th October

Last pub evening, in July, was a great success and now it's time for another one (last one for the year)!
This time we will meet at:
- the Foxglove, 33 Queens Wharf, Wellington.
- from 6pm onwards.

Please join us for a drink of your choice (beer, wine, coffee, tea...) and a chat!

Eva and Sven from SweNZ Taste will be there as well and are happy to bring any parcels ordered and paid for by Wednesday the 27th. Please note, orders NEED to be in by this Wednesday as they will bring the parcels when they leave for work Thursday morning.
Just choose "I intend to pick up" as your location during check-out and under Additional Comments, please write "Please bring to Foxglove on Thursday".

See you all there!

Svenskkul is closing down the School sessions

Due to lack of school age children Svenskkul has decided to close down the Tuesday school sessions. For more information please visit the Svenskkul Event page (

We intend to keep up with the Sunday Fun Events once a month. These events will run in cooperation with the Sweden-New Zealand Association and information will be posted on this Event page.

We have 2 sessions planned for the rest of this year:
- Julpyssel (Xmas craft) on the 21st November
- Children's Christmas/Luica party on the 12th December

Keep an eye out for these Events! Everyone welcome!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Christmas planning and more...

It's already mid October and yes, the committee has already started planning for this years Christmas function.
The date is set to the 4th December so please mark it in your calendar and keep an eye out for the registration slip in our next newsletter (which will arrive beginning of November).

Also, please mark in the 28th October as that's the date we have set for our next pub night. Last one was a big success. This time we will meet at the Foxglove.

We've had a few requests for the winning meatball recipe, but unfortunately there is no rule that states the winner has to give out his recipe. Instead, we are happy to provide you with the recipe for the yummy beetroot salad that Tinni made! Please take a look at our recipe blog. ( A must for the Christmas table!

Monday, September 20, 2010

And the Winner is...

Congratulations to Per Uddén who won this years meatball competition!
And a big thank you to this years judges - Marita, Katarina and Bradley, who worked really hard sampling meatballs from 8 strong contestants.

It was a great evening, can't wait until next years M&M!
(if anyone has a better photo, can you please send it to me?)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Swedish Election 2010 - still time to vote, but closing soon...

There is still time for you to make your voice heard!

The option to vote at the Consulate General of Sweden has closed, but you can still send in your vote via mail. Please contact Tinni ( at the Consulate General of Sweden (04-4999895) to get your mail-voting pack.

Please note your vote need to reach Sweden before the 20th of September, so you need to get on to in ASAP!

Monday, September 6, 2010

M&M's this Thursday, the 9th of September 2010!!

It's is time for yet another M&M - a combined Movie & Meatball competition evening!
If you don't want to enter the meatball competition you are still welcome to come along as we will share the meatballs after they have been judged - before the movie.
"The swimsuit Issue" (Swe: " Allt Flyter"). A comedy in Swedish but with English subtitles! For more info on the movie visit:

When: Thursday 9th September
Time: 6.30 pm
Where: Time Cinema, 191 Sutherland rdMelrose/Lyall Bay
Cost: $15
RSVP: Tinni on 04-499 9895 or email (RSVP is required as the seating in limited, first in first served!)

We will provide: Non- alcoholic drinks, crackers and cheese, potato salad to compliment the meatballs,and bread and salad too! BYO Wine or Beer.
For those who wish to enter the competition - you will need to make (and bring) Swedish Meatballs made from 1 kg mince! (not cooked in sauce/gravy). Bring them warm - if you can, we have limited heating facilities!
Please note, RSVP is required as the seating in limited, first in first served! Register today !

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Newsletter is out!

Our newsletter is out - as always it contains lots of useful and fun information!
If you have opted to receive the newsletter by email, you should have it already.
If you have opted to receive the newsletter in your letterbox, keep an eye out, it should arrive in the next couple of days!
If you have not received it in the next couple of days - please contact us on as it might be a case of missing membership fees.

Hope to see you all on our next event (M&M).

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Svenska foreningen in Auckland - Lucia Celebration 28 Aug, 2.30

From the Swedish Association (Svenska Föreningen) in Auckland:

Celebrate Swedish Lucia 2.30pm 28 August at Taitamariki Girl Guide Hall, Takapuna
Please register with

If you are in Auckland this coming Saturday, you might want to meet up with the members of Svenska Föreningen. Please visit for more information and contact details.

A new shop for Swedish Food in new Zealand!

Finally - a shop where you can buy your Scandinavian Favourites in New Zealand:
They have:
  • Kaviar”-Cod Roe crème
  • Marinated Herring – Dill and Mustard flavoured
  • Lingonberry jam
  • Ahlgrens bilar
  • Marabou chocolate

And as an opening specials, a warming meal for that cold weather outside:

  • Entree: Red and Black Lumpfish caviar (Normally $6; Opening Special: $5.50) on Crispbread (Normally $5.00; Opening Special: $4.50)
  • Mains: Janssons temptation made on Falkeskogs Ancovy spiced herring (Normally $10.25, Opening Special $9.50)
  • For desert, we suggest you pick your favourite treat from the candy shop.

For more Opening Specials visit the Bargains page.
Go on, treat yourself today - Visit the online shop

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wallander continues - Mondays 8.30

For those of you who has UKTV and have enjoyed the last 3 weeks of watching Wallander on TV - UKTV is now showing a new set of Wallander episodes: Faceless Killers, The Man Who Smiled and The Fifth Woman. On Mondays at 8.30.
The series are filmed in Sweden, but with English speaking actors.For more information see uktv's homepage

Monday, July 26, 2010

Pub night at The Featherston, this Thursday 29 July, 6pm onwards.

The committee has decided to try out a new format for our pub evenings. Rather than having it after our committee meetings on the first Monday of the month, we will have separate pub evenings at different locations throughout the year. We are aiming for 4 pub nights per year.

This Thursday, the 29th July, is the first one out. Please do come along and have a drink or two with us - it's the perfect chance to practise you Swenglish :-) We will meet you at "The Featherson" from 6pm onwards. Look out for the Swedish flag!

Where: The Featherston Bar and Grill, Cnr Featherston & Johnston Street

When: Thursday 29 July, from 6pm onwards

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Wallander on UKTV this Monday at 8.30pm

For the next 3 weeks those of you who have UKTV will be able to watch Wallander on TV. The series are filmed in Sweden, but with English speaking actors.

"Kenneth Branagh stars as Kurt Wallander, a flawed but deeply human detective, in these three terrifying tales set in the dramatic and beautiful landscape of southern Sweden.
Based on the award-winning Wallander novels by Henning Mankell."
For more information see uktv's homepage

The first episode, 'Sidetracked', is on this Monday the 26 July at 8.30 pm.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dates for your calendar

Our midwinter Lucia celebration has been and gone - a big THANK YOU to everyone who took part and helped us make this event so special. Please follow this link ( to see some beautiful pictures by Karim Sahai Images.

The committee has had a planning session for the rest of the year and here are some dates to put in your calendar:
29 July - Pub night at The Featherstone, 6pm onwards.
9 September - M&M (Movie and Meatball's) at Time Cinema
4 December - Christmas Party at Connolly Hall

Friday, July 2, 2010

Svenskkul News: School holiday!

It's the end of Term 2 and, just as other NZ schools, Svenskkul is taking a well deserved break.

As of next term Svenskkul will only run every 2nd Tuesday. We are a really small school group this year and as some families are only able to join in every 2nd week we have decided to only run on these weeks. Dates for next term is: 27/7, 10/8, 24/8, 7/9, 21/9

But, don't forget our Sunday events! Our first one for next term is scheduled for Sunday 1 August, when we will go to Te Papa. For more information check out Svenskkuls Event Blog or contact Eva on

New and old families welcome!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Glad midsommar - Midsummer greetings!

This weekend our family and friends in Sweden are celebrating midsummer. Even if we don't have midsummer here right now, you might want to put some flowers under your pillow this Saturday...

"Because Midsummer was thought to be one of the times of the year when magic was strongest, it was considered a good night to perform rituals to look into the future. Traditionally, young people pick bouquets of seven or nine different flowers and put them under their pillow in the hope of dreaming about their future spouse."

For more midsummer rituals and traditions please take a look at

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Svenskkul news...

Today Svenskkul celebrated the Swedish Royal wedding between Crown Princess Viktoria and Daniel Westling.
Attached is a picture of our "wedding photos" and the lovely princess cakes that the children made!

There will be no Svenskkul next Sunday (even though it's the last Sunday of the month) as we had our get together this weekend instead.

Svenskkul's next "Sunday get together" is on the 25 July at Te Papa.
New and old families welcome!

Please see for more information, closer to the date.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Watch the Royal wedding online, tonight, new link!

We have been supplied a new link to view the Royal wedding online, for us viewers outside the Nordic region.
The countdown is about to start. When Sweden wakes up today it is the big day for our Royal couple. SVT has made an exception and is broadcasting SVT online to the whole world, which means it is possible for us to view the wedding on SVT online at:,p104698,1,f,-1

previous supplied link (which may also work outside the Nordic region and also shows all the pre wedding programs):

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Royal Swedish wedding, this weekend, on 19 June, 2010

The royal wedding between Crown Princess Victoria and Mr Daniel Westling on 19 June, 2010, is a unique event. It is the first wedding of a female successor to the throne in the list of Swedish monarchs.

It is also a historic event in the history of the Swedish monarchy. When The Crown Princess becomes Queen she will be Sweden's fourth female regent after Queen Margareta (reigned 1389-1396), Queen Kristina (reigned 1632-1654) and Queen Ulrika Eleonora the Younger (reigned 1718-1720).

For more information please visit the official Royal wedding website (where you can also send your congratulations to the couple.

You can also follow the wedding on:

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How to vote in the Swedish election - for Swedes living overseas.

This information is in Swedish, for all Swedes living overseas, how to vote in the upcoming Swedish election:

Anmäl din adress till Skatteverket om du utvandrat. För att få information om valet och material för brevröstning måste du ha en adress i Skatteverkets folkbokföring den 2 juli. Anmälan om adress är samtidigt en anmälan till röstlängden för 10 år framåt.

Om din adressanmälan kommer senare men före den 20 augusti medför den att du tas upp i röstlängden och du får ett röstkort skickat till dig den 23 augusti.

For more information follow this link:
Föreningen Svenskar i Världen - Hur röstar jag som utlandssvensk?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Lucia Celebration - This Sunday 13 June

Don't forget it is our Lucia Celebration this Sunday. This is by far our most popular event. Glögg, Saffronbuns,ginger snaps, bisquits,hotdogs and much more........ and yes the magician will be back - same procedure as last year.

When: Sunday 13th June 2010
Where: Johnsonville Community Hall, 3 Frankmoore Avenue, Johnssonville
Time: 5 pm (Possession will start at 5pm sharp. Don't be fasionable late for this event - you will miss out!)

Your payment must reach us no later than Thursday the 10th of June to be regarded as pre-paid. Please the use form in our latest newsletter.

Tickets can also be purchased at the door on the day (not guaranteed, as numbers are limited) at the cost of $ 15 per adult and $ 5 per child.
(Please note that door sale $15 will apply to members as well)

As always, need your help with baking - so please contact Pia Clarke on 234 85 10 as soon as possible and let her know what you can bake and bring...

Reminder - Swedish church service, this Saturday 12th June

A Swedish church service will be held at St Pauls Lutheran Church in Newtown, 12 King Street (behind Pizza Hut) this coming Saturday, the 12th of June at 5 pm - held by Vicar Per Anders Sandgren from the Swedish Church in Melbourne.
The small service will be followed by a light meal at a nearby restaurant - pay your own way.

Per Anders has visited us a few times before and it's always a pleasure to met him. He will also join us for our Lucia Celebration this Sunday. Per Anders want to remind you all that if you want to have a private session with him or maybe even a baptism he would like to hear from you
+61 (0)418 510 640 or

Hope to see as many as possible there on Saturday. If you want to join us for a meal afterwards, please contact, or phone (04) 4999895.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sweden’s national day, 6th June, and NZ Queens Birthday, 7th June

This weekend, we should all celebrate - it's Sweden's National day on Sunday and NZ Queens Birthday on Monday!

I think this calls for Princess tårta (Princess Cake)! Please take a look at our recpie blog for the recpie. You can find Odense “Marsipan” at most supermarkets at the baking section.

The National Day of Sweden (Sveriges nationaldag) is a national holiday observed in Sweden on June 6 every year. The day was made into a national day by Riksdagen, the Swedish parliament, in 1983. Previously it was commemorated as svenska flaggans dag, Swedish flag day. (for more information see

On Monday the 7th, Here in New Zealand we celebrate Queens Bithday (

Have a nice weekend !

Friday, May 28, 2010

2nd newsletter this month!

Yes, we have a 2nd newsletter coming out this month! This one is very short, but contains essential information on our up coming Lucia Celebration:

* Where and when Lucia is this year
* Registration Form to Lucia
* Message from our special guest - Per Anders Sandgren
* Who to contact if you are able to bake some yummy treats for the evening (Pia Clarke, (o4) 234 85 10 ).
* Membership Form - become a member and get a discount to the Lucia Event (if you haven't paid your subs since March this year - it's time to renew!)
* Information on the Swedish Church Service 12th June (the night before Lucia)

If you are a member you should already have this newsletter in your letterbox (or email). If not, please contact or you can click on the link in this post to download it yourself.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Lucia practise, starting this Sunday!

Lucia is coming up and it's time for our maids to start practising the songs.
First practise is on this Sunday the 23rd May at 3pm.
We will meet at Kandallah Cornerstone Community Centre.

Please contact Joanna on , 04-905 7440 or Renate 04-586 1545 if you (or your child) want to join in this year's Lucia.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Return of the Swiwi!

After many requests we have finally managed to get some more Swiwi's in stock.

The cost for this lovely pin is merely $5.

Tinni has the Swiwis up at the Consulate General of Sweden, please contact her if you want to buy one (or more?): or (04) 4999895.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Don't forget movie night - this Thursday the 20th of May

So far we have managed to fill half the cinema, but 15 seats are still available!! Hurry up - register today! It's on this Thursday - the 20th of May!
The movie has outstanding reviews. See previous post for more information!

You can register by emailing or calling her: (04) 4999895. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Email notification - SENZ Event blog post

The committee has received some feedback from our members that you wish to hear from us more frequently - fantastic!
Based on this feedback we have decided to update our Eventblog to automatically send out an email to our members when we post an update to the Event blog. (Hopefully you should all receive this post as an email notification.) Please note, if the blog post is long sometimes part of the information get cut in the email. If so, please click on the link in the email to read more.

Don't worry, this doesn't mean you will miss out on our fantastic newsletters, they will still arrive and still be packed with useful and fun information. Please let us know what you think! email:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Newsletter is out!

After a few hiccups our newsletter is finally out, and what a great read it is!
Some highlights:

*Movie Night – 20th of May!
*Lucia 13th June!
*Swedish Vicar visiting – weekend of 11-13th June
*Photos from previous events

For those of you who receives the newsletter by email, you should have received it yesterday. For those of you still receiving it in your letter box - keep an eye out!

Haven't received it? It might be a case of forgetting to pay your annual subscription - due now!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Movie night - 20th May 2010

We are pleased to welcome the members of Sweden-New Zealand association to a private viewing of "The Kautokeino Rebellion". (In Swedish with English subtitles).

On Thursday the 20th of May at
Time Cinema -
191 Southerland Road, Lyall Bay
Cost: $15
Time: 7pm
(movie will start at 7.45)

For the small amount of $15 you'll get: Drinks, quiche, nibbles, Coffee & Cake, plus the movie and great company! What a deal!!

Please note: Seat are limited to 35, so you Must RSVP to (First in first served!) and we will send you a form to register.

It's a 2008 film based on the true story of the Kautokeino riots in the 1850's in response to the exploitation of the Sami community at that time. The cast includes Mikael Persbrandt and Michael Nyqvist.

The movie is 92 minutes long. SYNOPSIS: For centuries the windswept mountain plateau of northern Scandinavia has been inhabited by the native Sami population and their reindeers. But modernisation is about to enter the desolate village of Kautokeino where the authority is held by the prosperous and ruthless liquor dealer Ruth. One of the native tribes, led by the young woman Elen, refuses to pay their unjust debt to Ruth, leading to one of the most dramatic episodes in northern Scandinavian history.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Visit from the Swedish Church in Melbourne

Per Anders Sandgren - Swedish vicar (kyrkoherde)in Melbourne Church of Sweden,(svenska kyrkan) will come to Wellington for the weekend of the 12-13th June. Same weekend as we are planning our Lucia Celebration - he is delighted he will be able to join in this special event.
Per would also like our members to know that if anyone wishes to have their child Christened/Baptised during that weekend he would be keen to help out. Please let Per-Anders or Tinni know if you have such plans and we will ask him to contact you. Call Tinni on 04-499 9895.
Per Anders will also be holding an evening service at the Lutheran Church in Newtown on the 12th of June (in Swedish). Followed by a dinner out near by. All members welcome (pay your own way). Watch out for time and more details at this page closer to the day. Or contact us at

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Glad Påsk - Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all of you!
Want to know how to celebrate Easter the Swedish way? Follow this link:

Please note there will be no pub night at the first Monday of April as the committee will all be away celebration Easter with family and friends.

The committee will meet the following Monday, but no pub night on that Monday either.

An important item on our agenda for the April meeting is actually our pub nights. If you have any suggestions on how to run these please let us know:

Saturday, March 27, 2010

SENZ Food and recipe blog

Missed out on the AGM and Charlotte's Semlor? Or maybe you were there and crave more or those lovely Semlor and/or the green feta dip? Don't despair, on popular demand, the Sweden-New Zealand association has set up a food blog to publish the recipes of those dishes that we can't stop raving about after our gatherings. Click on the Swedish chef and he will take you straight to the SENZ food and recipe blog page. If we are lucky we might even be able to publish the winning meatball recipe on the blog... Keep an eye out!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Welcome to the new committee

Thank you to all of you who came along and turned our general AGM into a nice social gathering. I hope you all enjoyed Charlotte's "Selmor".

At the AGM we managed to accept the new rules and elect a new committee. If you have any questions in regards to the rules please contact and we will do our best to try to answer them.

Sadly we say goodbye to one of last years committee members, Pia Clarke, who unfortunately due to other commitments are not able to stay in the committee. We will still be able to meet her as she has offered to still help out on our events. Thank you, Pia, for all you effort during the year.

We welcome our new committee for 2010 (If you want to join the committee, we still have 2 more seats available, please

President: Tinni Lindén

Vice President: Kathleen Forsey

Secretary : Joanna Piatek-Dyer

Treasurer :Marita Appelros

Other Committee members:

Eva Sundin

Charlotte Schorling

Carol Wideberg

Katarina Ejerblad

Helen Lahtinen

Renate Ebner

Monday, March 22, 2010

AGM 2010 (with Semlor!!!) - TODAY (22 March 2010)

Please don't forget to come along to todays AGM with Semlor.
And if you haven't done so yet, please read through our new, updated Rules, attached.
Nat Dunning, Honorary Solicitor for SENZ will co-chair the meeting when discussing the amendments made to our Rules.

Please do come along and hear what we have been up to during the year. This is your chance to meet the committee and bring any ideas you may have forward.
There will be drinks and nibbles before the meeting and after the meeting we will have the Swedish delicatessen Semlor!!

Everyone is welcome!

When: 22 March
Time: 7 p.m
Where: Connolly Hall, Guildford Terrace Thorndon Wellington

Christmas Dinner 2010

Todays name


New Zealand
